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      Talking Bones

      • حلقة 30
      التحديث إلى 30 الحلقة
      حلقة 30

      الممثل تشانغ لينغ شين, RenGao, تساي ييدا , Li Hanlin, Jiang Anjing, Zhao Yi

      عرفنى بنفسك: This is a very special case section, which gathered all kinds of “unreliable” persons in the bureau, including Shang Jie—a rigorous group leader, Xia Ying—a professional medical examiner, Li Xuekai—a jack-of-all-trades trace appraiser, Song Mi—a little dull information analyst, and the second-generation rich psychological profiler Ying Ming. Through jointing work, they crack all kinds of unusual murder cases. At the first, they caught extremely vicious serial killer, who has fled more than three cities, and he kills people by making accident. The group won great fame after the case, and then, they also cracked a series of cases, which concludes the body fragment case in South Mountain Park, the odd bloody case, and they captured a couple of brother killer, both of them has strong Anti-reconnaissance consciousness.

      Talking Bones

      مقاطع حصرية

    • المعاينة
    • مُوصى به لك

      All 15 EPs

      You don't understand, It's also love

      All 30 EPs

      Four policewomen reveal the truth of the cold case

      All 30 EPs

      Dr.Qin speaks for the dead.

      حلقة 10

      انترس 2

      حلقة 8
      حلقة 24

      Flight cadets'youth dream-driven journey

      All 25 EPs

      Song Qian and Huang Jingyu love for thousand years.

      حلقة 19

      رفيق الروح

      All 32 EPs

      Traditional Costume · Romance · Story

      حلقة 24

      باي يو و يو جينغ رو يمثلان المحققان المثاليان في جمهورية الصين

      All 52 EPs

      Wu Lei and Qinhao opens their adventure tour.

      All 40 EPs

      Yang Yang fought for glory
