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      The Emperor's Strategy

      PG|2018|الصين الرئيسية|حلقة 20

      As part of the imperial family, every move by Chu Yuan in this game of chess is made with apprehension, fearing that with a moment of inattentiveness, the whole match will be lost in a single move.

      Ascending to the throne at eighteen, not half a year passes before civil strife erupts in Yun Nan. Though the thoughts of the old guard at the imperial court are not exactly identical, they are all waiting to see how the new emperor will put an end to this.

      مُوصى به لك

      حلقة 10

      An ordinary youth crossing as a villain into the book and abusing the hero!

      حلقة 15

      You don't understand, It's also love

      حلقة 35

      The youth from clan of cultivators killed the devils for the others

      حلقة 266

      لا تندم على دخول طائفة تانغ في هذه الحياة

      حلقة 32

      زي تقليدي · رومانسي · قصة

      حلقة 20

      How do they survive when waves of infected people come in?

      حلقة 12

      The Way to Growth, Encouragement and Self-improvement

      حلقة 52

      Wu Lei and Qinhao opens their adventure tour.

      حلقة 12

      Wu Zhiji, Breaking the Sky, Moving the Heaven and the Earth

      48تم تجديد الحلقة

      Brother and sister laugh so hard everyday.
