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    The Fallen Master

    2023|حلقة 15

    Chu Yue, the ace of the modern Z organization, was framed to death, and under the guidance of the system's Nine Desolation Mirror, his soul traveled to the Nine Desolation World, and under the system's mandatory tasks, he continued to practice and become stronger in order to survive. While performing system tasks and practicing adventures, Chu Yue discovered the shocking secrets hidden in the original owner of the body he was wearing. As Chu Yue unearthed more and more secrets about the original owner of the body, he unexpectedly discovered that he was not the only host of the Nine Desolation Mirror System, but there were other hosts of the Nine Desolation Mirror System in the Nine Desolation World.

    اقرأ المزيد

    مُوصى به لك

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    An ordinary youth crossing as a villain into the book and abusing the hero!

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    The Way to Growth, Encouragement and Self-improvement

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    Wu Zhiji, Breaking the Sky, Moving the Heaven and the Earth


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