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      13+|2023|الصين الرئيسية|حلقة 30|تشويق · خيال علمي
      Leon Yangالمخرج
      الاسمLeon Yang
      تاريخ الولادة1979-03-09
      تشانغ لو ييالممثل
      الاسمتشانغ لو يي
      تاريخ الولادة1980-06-07
      يوي خه ويالممثل
      الاسميوي خه وي
      تاريخ الولادة1971-05-04
      تشن جينالممثل
      الاسمتشن جين
      تاريخ الولادة1964-05-04
      وانغ تسي ونالممثل
      الاسموانغ تسي ون
      تاريخ الولادة1987-02-28

      In 2007, an abnormal disturbance occurred in the basic sciences on Earth. The whole scientific world was jittery. The mysterious suicide of scientists, countdown, the Science Boundary, the Three-body Problem game... Nanomaterials researcher Wang Miao was taken to the Joint Operations Center by the police officer Shi Qiang and sneaked into an organization called Science Boundary for investigation. In the mist, Wang Miao got contact with an organization called ETO. With the constant fight between ETO and the operations center, Wang Miao and Shi Qiang gradually confirmed the existence of the world in the Three-Body Problem game. All things originated from the desperate struggle for survival between two civilizations. With the joint efforts of the Joint Operations Center and scientists, Wang Miao, Shi Qiang, and others regained hope and faith, leading everyone to continue the fight against the invading Trisolarans in the future.

      سبب التصنيف العمري: رعب

      مُوصى به لك

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      Wu Lei and Qinhao opens their adventure tour.

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      يفتح بان يوي مينغ وجاو وي جوانغ التابوت المعلق على الجرف

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      جين دونغ وتشين تشياو إن يبدآن في الاستكشاف

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      قصة الثعلب الطائر

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      Four policewomen reveal the truth of the cold case

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      حلقة 30

      The legal medical expert solve the cases.

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      انترس 2
