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      Modern Marriage

      2021|Mainland,China|حلقة 38|urban · Romance
      شن يانالمخرج
      الاسمشن يان
      تاريخ الولادة1969-09-13
      ليو هاي بوهالمخرج
      الاسمليو هاي بوه
      تاريخ الولادة1975-04-21
      Bai Baiheالممثل
      الاسمBai Baihe
      تاريخ الولادة1984-03-01
      يوصى بالأعمال
      Modern MarriageModern Marriage
      تونغ دا ويالممثل
      الاسمتونغ دا وي
      تاريخ الولادة1979-02-03
      يوصى بالأعمال
      Modern MarriageModern Marriage
      المدعية العامةالمدعية العامة
      حكاية الوردحكاية الورد
      Jiang Xinالممثل
      الاسمJiang Xin
      تاريخ الولادة1983-05-08
      يوصى بالأعمال
      Medal of the RepublicMedal of the Republic
      With YouWith You

      Stay-at-home mother, Huixing Shen, was a top student in university. After getting married, she chose to take care of her husband and kid, managing a family with her talents. Jiangchuan Sheng is her husband. His work was too busy to have time to take care of his wife and daughter. Therefore, the responsibility of the whole family fell on her shoulder. As their daughter got older and older, Huixing Shen felt that it was the time to return to the workplace, but her company was a rival of the company where Jiangchuan Sheng worked. After entering the workplace, she asked her husband to share more family responsibilities, which led to continuous conflicts. An accident magnified the rift between them and triggered a divorce war. After that, Huixing Shen gradually regained recognition in the workplace. Jiangchuan Sheng also understood his wife when he spent time with his daughter. They two gradually regained their love for each other. The young couple grew up in workplace confrontations and emotional collisions and finally learned to face their families and careers in a more mature way. They chose to trust each other, grow up hand in hand, fight in their careers, and share familial responsibilities together.

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