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      Suddenly Rich

      Fedy Nurilالممثل
      الاسمFedy Nuril
      تاريخ الولادة1982-07-01

      Ali Oncom (Dwi Sasono) is pursued by a debt collector. At the same time he is also under pressure from his girlfriend, Yuli (Jihane Almira), who wants to be married soon. Otoy (Pandji Pragiwaksono) is threatened to be divorced by his wife Eli (Nirina Zubir) and expelled from Eli's parents' house because he has never provide a living. Their problems are no less complicated than Doyok (Fedi Nuril) who has to pay tens of millions rupiah to Mang Ujang (Ence Bagus), because he accidentally burned his Warung Kopi. Doyok, Otoy and Ali Oncom are forced to make a lot of money in a short time. They have to do many tricks: disguise as beggars and transvestite buskers which cause them to be arrested by public police, and to engage in mysterious inter-gang transactions. This last event actually bring benefits. They succeed to bring away billions of rupiah. Their dream of becoming rich is achieved. They can shop, travel abroad, and most importantly can overcome all financial problems. One thing they don't understand: that wealth also brings disaster.

      مُوصى به لك

      23تم تجديد الحلقة

      عقد زواج داي جاو تشنغ وتشين فانغ تونغ يأخذ منعطفًا رومانسيًا غير متوقع!


      تعال إلى آسيا لاختيار الآيدل الخاص بك

      12تم تجديد الحلقة

      كلمات أغنية تان جيان تسي ولي لان دي: الجياة الممتعة

      9تم تجديد الحلقة

      العلاقة الرومانسية بين قاو وي قوانج وشيوان لو في عالم الفنون القتالية

      15تم تجديد الحلقة

      الحب والمودة. كل شيء على ما يرام.

      حلقة 40

      تغيير المعلم والمتدرب لدى دنغ وي وشيانغ هان تشي

      حلقة 30

      الذاكرة الجماعية لسنوات الشباب بعد التسعينيات

      حلقة 26

      الإغراء بين لين يون وفانغ ييلون: من سيسقط أولاً؟

      حلقة 17


      18تم تجديد الحلقة

      Perfect 10 Liners
