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    The Fairy Tales


    Eight players break into Xingshou Village, the land of fairytales, and spend an unforgettable time there. In this child-dominated world, they can make their living and experience the sheer happiness of life merely by playing. To stay there forever, they must pass the “de-aging” test so that they can gain permanent residency and fulfill their childhood wishes.

    اقرأ المزيد

    مُوصى به لك


    Are You Ready to Witness the Love that Is Yet to Bloom?


    The joining of Angelababy&Nathan Scott Lee


    Arriving alone, but setting off together.


    The honor of the strong officially begins

    حلقة 30

    Warm and Healing Daily Life


    Team HaHaHaHaHa Adventures Into Northeast China


    The third season is coming!
