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      Falling in Love

      G|2024|13 episódios|Romance · Comedy
      Somruay RakchatDiretor
      NomeSomruay Rakchat
      Data de nascimento1962-10-04
      Suppasit JongcheveevatAtores
      NomeSuppasit Jongcheveevat
      Data de nascimento1991-02-21
      Obras recomendados
      Charlotte AustinAtores
      NomeCharlotte Austin
      Data de nascimento1998-12-21
      Obras recomendados
      Warodom KhemmontaAtores
      NomeWarodom Khemmonta
      Data de nascimento1991-04-01
      Kingkan SongsawangAtores
      NomeKingkan Songsawang
      Data de nascimento1999-12-20
      Obras recomendados

      Klao, a young man from Ban Na, has just graduated. Travel back to your hometown Klao intends to create a future by farming good breeds of cattle to sell to his uncle. and fulfill the promise he made to Thongkwao Lovers say that when they graduate, they will return to marry Thongkwao as promised. Thongkwao is the daughter of Ruby and ThongKon in the past, arrows and gold lumps have different meanings

      Pong Tubtim Tubtim himself has feelings for Sorn. But fate changed and Sorn chose to marry Kon and Tubtim

      Married Thongkon, Thongkwao's father, instead. This resentment is buried in Ruby's heart. Thongkon and Sorn then clashed

      Implicitly, for this reason,must hate and hate Thongkwao and has always tried to block Thongkwao's love. When all events pass Everyone fulfills their duties, creates a career, and a future according to their dreams. Klao broke down the wall of status that prevented his love with ThongkwaoEnter a wedding ceremony that unites two hearts together. Even though it's a way of life and society will change according to the times But their love and hearts are still strong, it's still the same as before. “ Mon Ruk Look Toong 2024 "

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