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      The Next Behind The Scenes


      This is a music competition variety show featuring exceptional young singers in Asia. 26 young phenomenal and promising Asian musicians are invited to the show. They’ll do their best to realize their music dreams, create new musical works and actualize themselves on the stage with their unique musical skills, stage presence and characteristic expression. Hopefully, the young musicians’ journey of dream chasing can inspire more people to go after their dreams.

      Recomendaciones para usted


      Kami Kembali!

      Un Sabor de Felicidad

      Vidas Digitales: Historias Cotidianas


      Viendo el Mundo a Través del Sesgo


      Arriving alone, but setting off together.

      Guía de Delicias Marinas

      Crossing mountains and seas, paving the path of light

      Malam Terliar, Keakraban Terhangat

      El Toque Humano de Dunhuang

      Buenos días, Mundo
