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      रिडीम VIP

      Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine

      • 40 एपिसोड
      अपडेट करें 40 EP
      40 एपिसोड

      अभिनेता चेन बाओ गुओ, फ़ेंगयुआन ज़ेंग, जू किंग, चेन यू मो, वांग जिओचेंग, ननजी

      परिचय: 《Dr.Weng Quan Hai》Taking Shanghai from 1927 to 1946 as the background, The story is describe about Weng Quanhai, the heir of Menghe Medical School in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, wandering to the bund in Shanghai. He devoted all his life to the protection and inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine culture.

      Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine


    • विशेष क्लिप।

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    • आपके लिए अनुशंसित।

      32 एपिसोड

      पारंपरिक पोशाक · प्रेम · भूखंड

      21 एपिसोड

      Jin Dong, Joe Chen unlock an adventure in the tomb

      30 एपिसोड

      Dr.Qin speaks for the dead.

      48 एपिसोड


      18 एपिसोड

      YueMing Pan's version of Hu Bayi leads the adventure

      48 एपिसोड

      कपोल कल्पित · पारंपरिक पोशाक · भूखंड

      12 एपिसोड

      The Land of the Mist

      24 एपिसोड

      Treasure Hunters in Tang Dynasty

      Food is gathering

      46 एपिसोड

      Lin Yichen dote-on Feng Shaofeng

      30 एपिसोड

      The legal medical expert solve the cases.
