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    Roast SS3

    2018|Mainland,China|Total 10 EP|Comedy

    《吐槽大会 3》 Today's "roast" is more like a form of communication between the young, which allows people to use witty and humorous language in daily socializing to close the distance between each other, thus achieving understanding and encouragement for each other. People will be more willing to roast, enjoying roasting, and facing life with an optimistic attitude.

    Direkomendasikan untukmu

    Tucao, a young way of communication

    Spreading Positive Energy

    Humor upgrades the iron triangle to reunite

    Total 15 EP

    Kamu Tak Mengerti, Ini Juga Cinta

    A Taste of Happiness

    Kesejukan dalam Kehidupan Sehari-hari

    “He Jiong and Jackson”call you to watch the show

    Cheney Chen, Johnny Huang dan Jackson Wang Mengasuh anak kecil


    Power of women aged 30+

    Makanan Menyatukan Kita
