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      Once Upon a Bite S5

      2024|Daratan/Tiongkok|Total 7 EP|Makanan · Filsafat/Kemanusiaan

      "Once Upon A Bite S5" focuses on spices, the insignificant yet essential heroes that shape flavor. It explores the circulation, migration, conquest, and fusion of spices, highlighting the uniqueness of Chinese cuisine. Amidst globalization, it examines how spices influence cooking and become markers of regional cuisine. The series reveals how food impacts history and shapes regional character. Where will humanity's journey for fragrance lead, and how will the story of curiosity unfold?

      Direkomendasikan untukmu

      Rasa Kebahagiaan

      Panduan Hidangan Laut

      Malam Terliar, Keakraban Terhangat

      Selamat Pagi, Dunia

      Sentuhan Manusia di Dunhuang

      Matahari Juga Terbit


      Flavor Exploration Journey of Chen Xiaoqing

      Sarapan Ceria untuk Hari Cerah

      Panduan Kuliner Guiyang
