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    18+|2021|Filipina|Total 8 EP|Romance · Comedy
    Shugo PraicoSutradara
    NamaShugo Praico
    Tanggal Lahir--
    Kylie PadillaAktor
    NamaKylie Padilla
    Tanggal Lahir--
    Konten Terkait
    Andrea TorresAktor
    NamaAndrea Torres
    Tanggal Lahir--
    Konten Terkait

    Online couple Beth and Cindy, aka BetCin, is on the verge of breaking up. As they cook up their plan on how to best to say goodbye to their followers — the UMAMI’S — they receive an oddly- timed message: You have been selected as one of the semi-finalists for our search for #RelationshipGoals of #RelationshipGoals. What is at stake? 10 million pesos cash and a lot of other prizes! They both need the money, but can they pretend that they are the ideal couple in front of every Umami liking, sharing, and commenting on their every social media content? Can they still tolerate each other’s crazy? What chaos will this contest bring to their already chaotic relationship?

    Alasan peringkat usia: Tema homoseksual

    Lebih banyak

    Direkomendasikan untukmu

    Total 8 EP

    Cinta di Persimpangan

    Total 5 EP

    Kisah Pasabuy

    Kisah Cinta dan Iman

    Total 8 EP
    Total 7 EP

    Pencarian Cinta di Usia 38

    Total 8 EP

    Mendukung Suami Menjadi Kepala Desa

    Total 12 EP

    Penulis Terjebak di Vila Sang Nyonya

    Total 30 EP

    Kisah Petualangan dan Pertumbuhan di Laut

    Total 4 EP

    Kisah Cinta Wanita Karier

    Total 25 EP

    Song Qian, Huang Jingyu menampilkan cinta selama ribuan tahun
