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      In Time with You

      2019|Japão|16 episódios|Romance · Cidade
      Izuru KumasakaDiretor
      NomeIzuru Kumasaka
      Data de nascimento--
      Rika AdachiAtores
      NomeRika Adachi
      Data de nascimento1992-10-16
      Obras recomendados
      Jin ShirasuAtores
      NomeJin Shirasu
      Data de nascimento1992-11-01
      Obras recomendados
      Asaka KodaiAtores
      NomeAsaka Kodai
      Data de nascimento1992-08-24
      Obras recomendados
      Saori Koide Atores
      NomeSaori Koide 
      Data de nascimento1988-05-29
      Obras recomendados

      "In the Japanese version, Rika Adachi will act as Mitari Yo—— reprise the same role as the original“Cheng Youqing”, where she is a hotshot executive at a shoe manufacturing company.  As for Jin Shirasu, he will play the role of Ishida Ren (same as Li Daren)who is working at a real estate company.  Ishida Ren works for a developer and is Yo’s best friend. An ex-classmate from both high school and university days, he understands her the best and is the only person she pours her heart out to. On Yo’s 29th birthday, the two friends place a wager to give 300,000 yen as a congratulatory gift to the one who is the first to get married by the last day they are 30. Although they declare that it is impossible for them to fall in love with each other, this wager as well as advances by Ren’s junior in the company and Yo’s reunion with her ex-boyfriend Mizusawa Ryusei lead to gradual changes in the relationship of the two best friends.

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