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      CHUANG Magazine


      Welcome to “CHUANG Magazine”! This unique extension of “CHUANG ASIA S2” is crafted as a mock editorial office for the trainees. In each episode, 6-7 trainees are invited to join as intern reporters, embarking on exciting and demanding assignments. This spin-off highlights their dynamic energy, adventurous spirit, and distinct personalities, providing a rare peek into their charisma and uniqueness outside of their training and stage performances.

      Recomendados Para Você

      8 episódios
      15 episódios

      Romance · Drama

      30 episódios

      o dia-a-dia feliz e descansado

      7 episódios

      Histórias de Infância

      Pets, the Irreplaceable Families

      Ray Ma, Neo Hou, Jim Yu, Henry are becoming to nursing father

      20 episódios

      The bossy guy spoils her girl more, but the third person appears in their love.

      30 episódios

      A handsome boy enters Super Star Academy

      24 episódios

      It was adapted from the same series of novels as "A Love so Beautiful"
