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      Heart Signal S3

      PG|2021|China|10 episódios

      Variety show yang mempertemukan 6-8 pria dan wanita single di bawah satu atap, bintang tamu seperti Hans Zhang, Stephy Qi, Yang Chaoyue, Ryan Ding, Du Haitao dan pakar astrologi Alex akan mengamati serta menganalisa gerak-gerik, perubahan emosional, dan mencoba menjodohkan mereka satu sama lain.

      Recomendados Para Você


      Romance · Topicdiscussion

      30 episódios

      o dia-a-dia feliz e descansado


      Arriving alone, but setting off together.


      The joining of Angelababy&Nathan Scott Lee

      Saiu até o Ep145

      Are You Ready to Witness the Love that Is Yet to Bloom?


      Primavera: O Despertar dos Jovens
