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    Go Fridge S6

    Mainland,China|Trọn bộ 10 tập|Food

    "Go Fridge S6" is a food talk show. In each episode, 2 celebrities will come to the show with their refrigerators. By disclosing the content of the refrigerator, they will talk about life and gossip with 6 chefs of different personalities. Two chefs will have competitions of creative cuisine, which is made of the ingredients within the celebrities' refrigerators. Also the celebrity will participate in helping the chef to make the cuisine.

    Đề xuất cho bạn

    Trọn bộ 38 tập

    Cuộc sống hai mặt của anh chàng béo phì trở thành soái ca

    “He Jiong and Jackson”call you to watch the show

    Chen Xuedong, Johnny Huang, Jackson Wang warm Meng

    A Taste of Happiness

    Rocket Girl 101 Starts Their Journey

    He Jiong reveal the Secrets of the fridge!

    Ma, Yu, and Henry are becoming to nursing father

    Trọn bộ 20 tập

    The bossy guy spoils her girl more, but the third person appears in their love.

    How do Yi, Lin, and Yu win over kids?

    The new competition system pounds the attack
