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    Flavorful Origins: Gan Su

    2020|Mainland, China|Trọn bộ 10 tập|Deliciousfood

    "Gansu of Flavor Origin" is the third part of the documentary series, adheres to the style of "hard core" food, highlights the concept of "origin", excavates a kind of Gansu unique ingredients, food and taste that "nourish the deep boudoir does not know" through the short film, and on this basis, connects the desert, grassland and Danxia geomorphology, and experiences the most rich diet culture and the most yearning characteristic life with the most national characteristics.

    Đề xuất cho bạn

    A Taste of Happiness

    A Guide to Marine Edibles

    Good Morning, World

    Wildest Midnight Feasts, Truest Human Touch

    The Sun Also Rises

    A Breakfast to Brighten the Day

    Foodies of the World, Unite!

    The Human Touch of Dunhuang

    Authentic Yunnan Flavors

    Gourmet Guide to Guiyang
