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      Good Wife

      2020|Trung Quốc đại lục|Trọn bộ 56 tập|Gia đình · Tìnhtiết
      Diêu Thiên VũDiễn viên
      TênDiêu Thiên Vũ
      Giới tínhNữ giới
      Ngày sinh1979-12-03
      Chòm saoNhân Mã
      Lý UyDiễn viên
      TênLý Uy
      Giới tínhNam giới
      Ngày sinh1980-07-09
      Chòm saoCự Giải
      Triệu Văn TuyênDiễn viên
      TênTriệu Văn Tuyên
      Giới tínhNam giới
      Ngày sinh1960-06-09
      Chòm saoSong Tử
      Lý TháiDiễn viên
      TênLý Thái
      Giới tínhNam giới
      Ngày sinh1984-09-03
      Chòm saoXử Nữ
      Hạ Lực TânDiễn viên
      TênHạ Lực Tân
      Giới tínhNữ giới
      Ngày sinh1968-08-22
      Chòm saoSư Tử
      Tác phẩm đề xuất

      The heroine was originally an all-around good wife who is beautiful, kind and strong. Her biggest dream is to become a barista, but what she never imagined is: her husband (He Haoze) and her seem-to-be-kind girlfriend joined together to lay a terrifying conspiracy. Overnight, Li Ranyu's family, love and friendship collapsed ...

      Fortunately, the young and handsome "rebellious coffee prince" pulled Jiayu back from the death line, giving endless pity and care to Jiayu who lost her memory. Just when the sincere emotions of the two began to germinate, Jiayu retrieved all her memories. Jiayu endured the pain and gave up her love with Lin Tianming, determined to find out the truth about her story ...

      However, Jiayu, who had just recovered from nightmares and physical injuries, did not expect that all of this had just begun: her father lost his business overnight and went missing; her spoiled younger brother returned from school and could n’t adapt to the family ‘s decline, and he caused trouble everywhere; her mom was mentally retarded and could not take care of herself; her 5-year-old daughter was bullied and abused by her stepmother Zhou Xinyan ...

      The cruel truth splits Li Jiayu's fragile heart again and again like a knife, and finally pushed Jia Yu on the road of revenge. Jia Yu uses "wisdom and justice" as a weapon to launch a fierce struggle between her husband and girlfriend ...

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      Sự tiến hoá của loài người, là đáp án duy nhất.
